RETARDER PROOFER 700/750x900Reference: M7/90
For bakery trays or automatic trays 700/750x900 RETARDER PROOFER MA 765X800MA - MA2C - MA/5P
For traditional work 765x800 or depth 670/600 RETARDER PROOFER BA 1050X800B1 - B12C - B1/5P
For traditional work 1250x800 - 1250x670 - 1250x600 RETARDER PROOFER B1 1250X800BA - BA2C - BA/5P
For traditional work 1050x800 or depth 670/600 ROLL-IN RETARDER PROOFER FOR FILETSMADE TO MEASURE
From 1 baking tray or automatic couche trolley With or without bottom |